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About WEBSITE CReations


What i Do...

I craft the content, that sings your praises, showcasing a reflection of what you do! This may include images of your work, your company vehicle, or your logo, the spotlights yours!

I set your SEO describing the best key words for you to be found online.

I set your favicon so your logo is always displayed when sharing or promoting your website.

What is a Domain name?

Your domain name is your business or product name. For example, my domain name is

Your domain name allows you to be found online.

The cost of your domain name varies via different domain hosts, but typically anything from $17 - $24 per year!

what is Hosting?

Websites need to be hosted on a platform, and I use Wix.

Not only is Wix affordable, but Wix has a lot of advantages, allowing you to upload your own content, with fabulous integrations, allows sharing your draft website for comment, brilliant SEO capability, reliable hosting, and security - Did I mention affordable?

What's the Cost?

Currently the hosting cost is $250 per year - that's 69c a day! Once established, this will be billed directly from Wix, annually, once your site is transferred to you on completion.


Visit my website creations completed to date, and get the feel of what you like, and what you do not...

Typically a basic website starts at $495, however you are welcome to discuss your own personal requirements, which can be priced on application.

Why can't I do it myself?

You can!

However, many people struggle to know what content to write, how to ensure content is aligned correctly, connect their domain, ensure font is uniformed, headers are consistent, set the SEO correctly, add favicons, Google Search and Fb Integration.


How many sites have you seen on your mobile phone that are NOT set within the viewable parameters? (I have just redone a site for exactly this reason! 


BUT, if you're that way inclined, take the plunge and go for it!​ AND, if you are not, then I look forward to working with you!

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© 2023 by Booker Balance. All Rights Reserved.

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